You’re never alone

You are never alone.

I AM always with you.

Making a connection with me each day is your spiritual work.

I want you to remember that there is something bigger than you that exists. This is a secret the darkness wants to hide from you.

There are realms of consciousness waiting to teach you and show you the way to your highest potential.

There is so much you are meant to do on earth. Do not waste any more time in worry, doubt, fear, anger, or resentment.

When you are in the Light there is only certainty and a knowing that everything works out the way it needs to for your growth.

Your path on earth is by design. I send you every experience to challenge your ego and stretch your soul.

Rise up to meet those challenges. See them as opportunities to be who you came here to be, and to learn what you need to learn.

Trust in ME.

Trust in yourself.

Trust in the process of how life is unfolding for you.




be in the light