distance healing

As a Psychic and Spiritual Healer, Randi acts as a conduit of healing information from the communities of Angels and Spirit — interpreting impressions from you, the client, and converting them into clairvoyant diagnosis. Currently, in-person sessions are exclusively for existing clients upon request.

  • Destiny Guidance Readings are an opportunity for you to ask questions about your life and receive direction, clarity, and healing around situations you are currently experiencing or haven’t been able to resolve. This soul-centered offering connects you to the spirit world allowing messages to be received from higher dimensional planes in the universe, loved ones in spirit, eternal beings & angel guides regarding your life and purpose here on earth. This offering also provides space to dive deeper into your dreams, and collaborate on ideas & visions that will push your manifestations forward. If you’re ready to live your best life—this is for you.

  • Soul Healing is psychic healing. These sessions helps you identify and correct outdated belief systems and stories that prevent you from moving forward. During your time with Randi, get to the heart of the matter and start seeing life with a new perspective. Receive life tools, spiritual homework, and a deeper understanding of what your purpose is in this lifetime. Through spiritual discussion and soul-work exercises, this offering connects you to a higher level of consciousness by working to heal at the subconscious, and breaking through any blocks that prevent you from living the life destined for you.

  • Vibrational medicine is a holistic approach to healing that acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, recognizing that each individual possesses a unique energy field. This field, often referred to as the aura, is believed to be influenced by various factors including emotions, thoughts, and external stimuli. Vibrational medicine utilizes different modalities such as sound therapy, energy healing, and biofeedback to harmonize and balance this energy field. Tuning one's energy field involves the intentional adjustment of vibrational frequencies through techniques like meditation, breath-work, or energy healing practices. By aligning and optimizing the energy field, individuals aim to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, fostering a sense of balance, vitality, and harmony within themselves.

    During your healing session, you’ll receive an energy tuning which involves adjusting the flow and balance of energy within the your body and energy field. This process may include various techniques such as Reiki, Qi Gong, or Pranic Healing, where Randi channels universal energy to you, clearing blockages, and promoting the free flow of energy throughout the body. Through gentle touch, visualization, or focused intention, Randi identifies areas of imbalance or stagnation in your energy field and works to restore equilibrium. Energy tuning aims to address physical discomfort, emotional distress, or spiritual disconnection by facilitating the body's innate ability to heal itself. Randi acts as a facilitator, assisting you in reconnecting with your own natural energy flow, promoting relaxation, rejuvenation, and overall well-being.


Just as the moon affects the tides in the ocean, she also affects our emotions, feelings, and the water that is in our bodies. There is a stirring that happens with each phase of the moon, reflecting back to us what patterns need to be healed. Each lunar phase will have its own specific energy for you. When booking a session with Randi, consider where you are in your process. Call on the moon as a spiritual guide and helper to enhance emotional well-being, intuition, and healing in all areas of your life.

  • New Moon

    This is a time of planting seeds, setting intentions, dreaming, envisioning, recharging, renewal, new cycles, hope and initiation.

  • Waxing Moon

    This is a time of growth, taking action, doing the work, figuring things out, reflecting on your life, alignment, instinct, and awareness.

  • Full Moon

    This is a time of heightened emotions, allowing our needs being known, letting go, opportunity, illumination, and revelation.

  • Waning Moon

    This is a time to integrate, rest, invest time looking at your inner landscape, clear out the old, and make space for the new,